Look & Feel: Impressions from projectfacts

Your success through smart tools and modern functions
Everything in one system, that's what projectfacts stands for and not only includes extensive functions, but also an unmistakable feeling. No matter if simple activities, like creating a customer, or complex projects, like capacity planning for the next years, projectfacts enables you to master your tasks not only successful and professional, but also playful and uncomplicated. With the new smart tools, simplified operation, shorter work steps and new comfort functions you save time, nerves and money. Learn how projectfacts makes your daily work easier and with which new functions you and your company can become even more successful.
Your individual control centre thanks to personal bookmarks
An own dashboard, individually arranged according to your needs, that enables you to use projectfacts new bookmark area. Expand your homescreen and your module overviews with self-defined favorites, which you want to reach with a single click. Simply drag and drop contacts, projects or documents from your last used elements to your bookmark area. This way you can easily link the jobs you work on most intensively or your personal to-dos that you don't want to forget. Quickly find the customers you enjoy working with or jump directly to the one project that is closest to your heart. Put together your individual cockpit and your bookmarks will take you quickly and easy to where you want to go.
Agile Boards for your flexible task planning
Everyone is talking about agile work. There are two terms: Kanban- and Scrum-Board. Both are smart planning tools that aim to make project organization easier. Both small tasks and large projects are clearly planned and completed in a team. The boards allow maximum flexibility and are especially suitable for teams with a flat hierarchy. In addition, you increase work motivation by making progress and successes transparent and visible for all employees. With version 6 projectfacts provides you with these tools. By drag-and-drop you can sort and distribute tasks in a flash. Thus you work smart and playful and achieve professional results at the same time.
Enjoy these proven organization methods or create your own personal pinboard that exactly meets your requirements and needs.
Modern search completion for more comfort
Often it is the small everyday task that costs the most time at the end of the day. projectfacts therefore contains many comfort improvements, which relieve you of exactly such activities. You can now use a search completion for numerous text fields. Thus, while you are still entering information, you will be presented with suggestions that you can access with a simple click. Thereby projectfacts not only completes your input, but also supports you with the help of a further search function. If you enter an organization, projectfacts automatically shows you linked elements, such as contacts or documents stored in the organization. If you no longer search any lists yourself, you automatically save time.

Shorten your work processes with the Floating Action Button
No matter where you are in projectfacts, the new Floating Action Button is there too. This prominently placed button allows you to create important elements quick and easy at any time. So with projectfacts you never have to search for a long time to execute a certain action. The Floating Action Button, suggests you all createable elements of a module directly and uncomplicated. In the home screen you even get suggestions from all modules of projectfacts. So you reduce the number of working steps and reach your goal faster.
Your database research: fast and easy
The right information at the right time is the key to success. Therefore projectfacts 6 introduces a modern search bar. Following the example of well-known search engines, it helps you to search your database for any kind of information quick and easy. So you can find projects, customers, tickets and much more directly from your home screen. Just a contact name is enough to quickly find orders or invoices and thanks to the useful find-as-you-type method, your search is even more efficient. With this smart research tool you no longer need a detailed understanding of your project structures or the structure of projectfacts to navigate to the desired information. Just let the information come to you.